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Turn Google Auto-Complete on – Keyword suggestions


Google’s Experimental Search has different Keyword suggestions (auto complete) to improve your search results in google Search. Google’s technology will provide you alternative suggestions to your queries in real time.

Google’s Experimental Search has

  • Alternate views for search results
  • Keyword suggestions (Auto complete)
  • Keyboard shortcuts

Enable it at http://www.google.com/experimental/ ( Note that you can only join ONE experiment at a time)

{ 5 comments… add one }
  • Irchr September 11, 2008, 2:19 pm

    I want to turn it OFF not on, how can I get rid of the auto complete key word suggestion. i hate it.

  • Kevin Goebel September 24, 2008, 3:33 pm

    I dislike it too. There is a preference link next to the search box on Google where you can select: Do not provide query suggestions in the search box. (near the bottom of the page). That only seems to work for a while and then a cookie expires or Google resets it.

    I found that using the following URL, which someone else posted, works as a permanent “off switch”:


    I pasted that in the URLs of my bookmarks in Mozilla and Firefox and favorites in Internet Exploder and I also entered it as a link on my personal home page. No more “autocomplete”. Perhaps if enough people do this, Google will get the hint from their web stats.

  • Joe April 27, 2009, 6:27 pm

    thanks, the off switch worked for me.

  • j.fairweather September 23, 2011, 2:52 am


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