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How Do I Screen Capture and Share it in Twitter, Facebook

Looking for some really good screen capture utility (professional screenshots) for Windows which your want to share it in Twitter, Facebook, email etc,. Here is the portable one.

When you press PrtScn (print screen) key on your Windows keyboard, it will copy an image of your screen onto the “clipboard”. But if you want more feature than your inbuild windows print screen utility. This screen capture too l(Screensnapr) offer extended features beyond the standard print screen key capture.

This tiny utility is a good screen capture utility for Windows that dosen’t require installation. Just press the hotkey (Ctrl+1) and use your mouse to select rectangular area of your desktop screen or an browser. that’s it. This will save the file in your desktop.

More over, the URL of the captured screenshot image will be copied into your clipboard(use CTRL+ C to put into your notepad), so that you can share the URL on IM, Twitter, Email, or any other medium.

1. Download and double click it, you will see a desktop icon like below image.


2. Press Ctrl + 1 and use the mouse drag to select the area. Your image will be is saved in your desktop and uploaded to their server.


3. Check this url which is saved in their server http://screensnapr.com/u/9709lj.png. Just share the copied URL on IM, Twitter, Facebook, Email, or any other medium.

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