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Free Windows Live Movie Maker Download

Windows Live Movie Maker will help you to create movies and slide shows from your photos and videos, and share them with your friends and family. Windows Live Movie Maker is a free video editing software for both Windows Vista and Windows 7.

You can automatically turn your videos, photos, and music into a movie. You can trim your video clips to show only the parts you want. Add titles, transitions, music, and effects like panning and zooming.


Another nice feature is that it allows you to create slide shows using your photos and music. Windows Live Movie Maker has option to publish your movie on YouTube easily.


{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Omkar February 28, 2010, 5:18 am

    I want to download Windows Live Movie Maker

  • waheed July 23, 2011, 1:41 am

    i wana download movie maker

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