Do you get the following message when you sign in your yahoo account ?
Critical – Please provide the following information
You will not be able to sign in to Yahoo! services unless you provide the requested information on this form. This information will help you reset your password in case you ever forget it.Yahoo! is changing the way you can recover your account in case you forget your password. We recommend that you provide a mobile phone number and/or an email address, but you must enter two secret questions and answers in order to continue.
Enter an email address (Optional): where Yahoo! will send password reset and account emails
Enter a mobile number (Optional): where Yahoo! will send password reset and account alerts
Add two secret questions (Required):
If you provide alternative email address or mobile number and two secret questions and answers, you can recover your account in case you forget your password. This is not a phishing scam. This will also help you to reset your password.
Yeah, well what if I don’t want to do it? If Yahoo! wants to strongarm me into doing something like this, then I must resort to giving them the finger.
I’m not interested in providing them this information. Once it’s provided, it becomes possible for a hacker to enter my account without my permission by using the “secret question”. Right now, that’s impossible. Why is Yahoo suddenly so interested in easing access to hackers?
With so many scam and hacker warnings being issued, how is it we are to automatically trust this. I’ll give up on Yahoo if it continues!!
Yahoo is simply turning into garbage. After so many great years it just goes rotten. Shame. Well, gmail should be logical alternative, and you can use Outlook to pull gmail POP email, free of charge. Most people will eventually figure out it is not worth to put up with yahoo new and very annoying ideas.
i can not check my inbox in my yahoo. i don’t know what happen? can you help me?.
if you know please contact me at urgent.
the reason why yahoo bothers everyone with this secret questions is to double the number of yahoo-accounts. if you first felt pretty content with one you now must have another one for receiving mail in case blablabla. and for that new account you will set the same procedure. it’s just annoying and i agree that yahoo depraved to garbage like MSN where you hardly could get rid of a once setted but no longer needed account – the same inacceptable behavior. this is no customer care.
shame on you mr. yahoo!!!
I filled out this form and when I logged out a week later- and went to log in- Yahoo asked for me to fill their form out AGAIN: then,I became suspicious and at unease [suspected a phish-scam,or WORSE!!] Very shabby. They could ask us for this in a memo first. Or let us know in a set time it will come into affect. But I also as you say, “I felt strong armed,and RIGHT NOW I heard the boots clicking together!!
better yahoo to remove this message by themselves instead of helping hackers i
why is yahoo preventing its customers from using their own id without answering this question which will be repeated again and again .is it correct for yahoo to block mail users from their own mail box like this ?
This is hacker warning. Recently one of my friends got the warning, then he gave the details. Hacker then changed the password. My friends account was locked. Hacker then sent mails in the name of my friend to all the contact address list to get money, requesting my friend was in trouble, he needs money. Be Carefull do not give the details otherwise your account will be locked.
I am not sure why Yahoo cannot fix this bug. Why this not secure? if this is hacker? they need to stop it.
There is no logic – because somebody could not remember ONE password, they ask them to remember more? Who could believe that? Aren’t they actually trying to suck more information???
i can not access my yahoo mail account since