The Open Group is a vendor-neutral and technology-neutral consortium that promotes, develops, and licenses open standards software, especially Unix. It was formed when X/Open merged with the Open Software Foundation (OSF). The Open Group is the owner of the UNIX trademark and manages the UNIX trademark licensing program. The Open Group’s best-known service are their certification programs.
Open Group members include a range of IT buyers and vendors as well as government agencies. Open Group works with customers, suppliers, consortia and other standard bodies to set vendor- and technology-neutral open standards for computing infrastructure.
Open Group Certification Programs
The Open Group’s best-known service are their certification programs, including certification
- IT Architect Certification
- IT Specialist Certification
- COE Platform
- CORBA Certification
- LDAP Certified
- NASPL Certification
- POSIX Certification
- SIF Certification
- S/MIME Secure Messaging
- TOGAF Certification
- UNIX Certification
- WAP Certification
Open Group Member Forums
The Open Group provides a platform for its members to discuss their requirements, Based on their area of interest, members can join one or more Open Group Forums which includes,
- Architecture Forum
- Enterprise Management Forum
- Grid Enterprise Services Forum
- Identity Management Forum
- Jericho Forum
- Messaging Forum
- Platform Forum
- Real Time and Embedded Systems Forum
- Security Forum
- Universal Data Element Framework Forum