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What is Google+ ?

google-plus-logo.pngGoogle+ is a social networking service (SNS) by Google intended to connect people with friends, family, business associates and others. Google Plus makes sharing on the web lot easier; it lets you to target your sharing with specific people instead of the default “share with everyone”. It has many new features including Circles, Hangouts, Sparks and Huddles.

What are the features of Google+?


Circles – It is an innovative feature. This feature will allow you to interact with specific sets of people. Just drag your contacts into specific circles for interaction, put your friends in one circle, your parents in another and your work friends and boss in another.

Hangouts – Hangouts will enable users of Google + to speak with each other using a group video chat.

Sparks – Google+ Sparks is about one’s specific interest – similar to Twitter’s #hashtags. This feature allows you to get all the latest topics what your friends are sharing. Google+ users can select “sparks” that interest them and start receiving great content from around the web based on those interests.

Huddle – Huddle is a group messaging feature similar to BlackBerry Messenger groups. This feature will allow you to send out messages to everyone within a particular circle at any given time.

Instant Upload – This feature will allow you to add photos and videos “instantly” from the phone to Google+

For more information visit the official Google+ page at plus.google.com

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  • Yogin June 30, 2011, 7:02 am

    I think google+ would be a success, as it would be integrated with all the google accounts as being a normal user I would want my all account to be integrated with one email address. Also the Features it has would be more appealing to youths! Facebook had turned to totally commercial site so youths needed something new and innovative!

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