What is Instagram Live ?
“Live” is a video-streaming feature on Instagram sharing mobile app . It allows you to stream a live video in real-time (broadcast video to your followers in real-time). Instagram will allow you to broadcast live moments and share it as they happen, either publicly or privately.
Once a live video has ended, it’s no longer visible on Instagram. Here is how to Instagram live video.
How to go live on Instagram step by step
1. Launch Instagram app and Tap camera icon in the top left of the screen
2. Note, you may be asked to go through camera and microphone enabling process. If so, please follow all prompts to completion to ensure your camera and microphone device is setup for Instagram live stream.
3. Once you are in camera mode, tap Live at the bottom of the screen and tap Start Live Video
4. At this point Instagram will establish connection
5. and you will see “You’re now live!” message
6. Once you are live you will see red LIVE icon on top left side.
- Once you are live, Instagram will let know your followers that you are live. You will see ” We’re telling your followers that you’ve started a live video.” message at bottom.
- The number of your Instagram live viewers appears in the top right of the screen and comments at the bottom
7. To end Instagram live stream , tap End in the top right then tap and tap End Live Video.
8. Once a live video has ended, it’s no longer visible on Instagram. You will see “Your live video will stay in the moment. Now that it’s over, it can no longer be viewed on Instagram” message once end the live.