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How do I protect my Facebook Privacy ?

In the age of social media, it is so important to protect your privacy. Though you can set exactly what information is available to the public, most of the time without knowing we let it. The more you tell , the more likely that information will bring you to the attention of an identity thief.

Before you share any information anywhere online, ask this question: What would happen if this information fell into the hands of my boss , hacker or people who don’t like me? (Facebook survival tips)

Here are some essential things you can do to minimize the damage when Facebook gets hacked.

– Hide Your Contact Info

to do this, go to Account > Privacy Settings > Profile Information to control who can see your Bio, Birthday, Likes and Interests, etc.,

– Stop geo-tagging your photos

disable a smart phone’s geotagging feature which has location information. Geotagging includes the latitude and longitude where a picture was taken, i.e., home.

– Lie about your age

At least hide your birth year.

– Don’t store your credit card information on the site

You can manage your stored credit cards or PayPal accounts on Facebook by going to the Payments tab.

– Have some boundaries

don’t say everything about you and your life.

– Less is beautiful

Don’t let others know what you do every single minute.

– Limit who has access to previous posts

do this by going to privacy setting page.

– Hide photo albums to public and set privacy for every album

do this when you create the folder.

– Prevent the public from seeing your friend list

From Facebook profile, Click on Friends > Edit > Drop down menu > Select who can see your list of friends.

– Set Controls for Your Updates

Choose what goes on your Timeline, and the audience for your posts.

– Hide Your Facebook Profile from Google

Go Account > Privacy Settings> Search and uncheck the Public Search Results box.

– Prevent People from Tagging You in Photos

do this by going to Account > Privacy Settings > Profile Information > Photos and Videos of Me and deselect the Everyone default.

via [ 7 Ways to Protect Your Privacy Before Facebook Gets Hacked , Facebook Privacy: 8 Ways to Protect Yourself ]

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