Can I disable Gmail Priority Inbox?
Google’s Gmail Priority Inbox feature allows you to organize your incoming mails. This feature will analyzes your incoming messages and predicts what is most important from your past email history ( and many other factors) and separates them out from everything else.
Gmail uses a variety of signals to prioritize your incoming messages, including who you’ve emailed and chatted with most and which keywords appear frequently in the messages you opened recently.
If Priority Inbox mistakes an email as important, you have the option mark it as not important by clicking “mark as not important” button.
Here is how to enable or disable Gmail Priority Inbox
- Go to Gmail Settings on the top right of your Gmail
- Click Settings link
- Click Priority Inbox from the Settings tab
- About half-way down you will see Show Priority Inbox section
- Select the radio button “Show Priority Inbox” in the Show Priority Inbox section to enable or select “Do not show Priority Inbox” to disable.
please help me get rid of your ugly little box,It keeps popping its ugly face up ,and I dont want it or need it