Does Websense blocking software blocks websites. Do you want to bypass Websense and browse any website ? There are several methods to bypass Websense to access websites.
Websense is a Web security gateway software and internet access management system which allows an organization to monitor, report and manage internal Internet use. Websense allows system administrators to block access to web sites and other protocols based on categories, which can be blocked at specified times(example 8 AM to 5 PM) or permanently.
Bypass Websense using proxy site
One of the famous method is to use a web-based proxy site. web-based proxy sites uses the secure http (https://). (s) in http signifies secure connection and the Websense blocking software will not block secured sites. Using proxy site you can access the restricted site through the proxy. But, Websense updates regularly and blocks the web-based proxy site from time to time.
Bypass Websense using https
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a combination of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol and a cryptographic protocol.
Like proxy sites, you can bypass Websense manually by appending ‘s’ to the url. For example, instead of accessing try append ‘s’ like This will work for any website which has https enabled. HTTPS connections are often used for payment transactions on the World Wide Web.
Some times, Websense blocks too (don’t know how !!!!)
Bypass Websense using HTTP Tunneling
Another common way to bypass Websense is through HTTP Tunneling programs. An HTTP Tunnel is used most often as a means for communication from network locations with restricted connectivity. One can access blocked sites and access applications (games/IM clients/browsers) from behind restrictive firewalls or proxy servers
One such application is VPNTunnel. With VPNTunnel any restrictions placed on your internet usage by your network administrator, your boss at work, or your ISP will simply and completely disappear.
I work for phone company and they use Websense. Recently they’ve tighten the reigns and starting blocking bank sites. At first they had it set up as quota time (60 minutes a day, 10-minute blocks.) The https works well if you know the proper link. Like for Gmail, don’t put because it’s a shot in the dark (it didn’t work for me.) But, worked and now I’m able to check my gmail. Yahoo! is more complicated. I’m looking into getting a web-enable cell phone like the iPhone or T-mobile G1 or Sprint Palm Pre. It’s easier and safer. But, until then I’ll continue to use this as much as I can.
i tried this ” ”
but it shows the following error:
This webpage is not available.
The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
More information on this error
Great! GMail works via bypassing Websense. What about hotmail/windows live mail? I tried https://….. but it didn’t work.
send me proxy by which i can by pass web sense security server
Dear everyone.. Nothing is worked for me.. I tried all the tricks mentioned on this site. But nothing is usefull. Please ignore all this bullshit dumps
thts true the results shown above didnt even work for me,
i tried using and also but it says we[age cannot be displyed.
is there anyway out to resolve this by bypassing proxy server……
Use iGoogle home page. Add the Gmail gadget then click on Gmail in the upper left hand corner of the gadget when iGoogle opens. Works every time for me!
How can i access facebook site bypassing the websense
You know when my users start bypass the websence we use here. I get a log of it and they are walked out the doors. When you have internet access at work. it is for Work not personal use.
How about showing your employer a little respect. They can always just set the firewalls to block all but work related sites.
how can access facebook and gmail bypassing the macfee gateway.
If the company is halfway decent and has the Websense Content Gateway proxy in place, then HTTPS doesn’t help you. It inspects SSL through encryption and decryption of the connection based on a trusted cert at the proxy level.
Hi every body
I am checking for a resolution for websense protection.
I don’t know how can i double websense to access facebook.
All social network is blocked by websense filter.
Thanks for helping.