You can watch video lectures from the most prestigious universities including MIT, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Dartmouth, Yale, Harvard Business, IIT/IISc, Vanderbilt University and about 100 leading universities at Youtube educational hub. YouTube EDU ( is a hub for videos(lectures, student films, athletic events etc) from over 100 of leading university and college partners.
According to YouTube EDU, there are over 20,000 videos on this hub and growing. It is a volunteer project sparked by a group of employees who wanted to find a better way to collect and highlight all the great educational content being uploaded to YouTube by colleges and universities.
This is excellent initiative by youtube, you get to see good lectures of the prestigious universities, which is not possible otherwise for most. Here are some :
- Stanford University
- (IIT/IISc) Indian Institutes of Technology / Indian Institute of Science
- Yale University
- Dartmouth
- University of Minnesota
- UCLA Courses
- UC Berkeley Events
- Carnegie Mellon University
For more videos visit YouTube EDU, or EDU Directory for list of all available educational hub.