Online e subscriptions is growing largely and it has a number of benefits, including reducing the impact on our natural resources, interactivity, immediate delivery , large international selection and more over read anytime and anywhere.
For example print version of Cosmopolitan magazines is about $14 per copy at newsstands in US, but at, Cosmopolitan Digital Price is only US$1 per copy when you subscribe for 12 issues.
Read magazines on your iPhone and iPod Touch
Now, you will be able to read magazines on your iPhone and iPod Touch with Zinio Mobile Newsstand for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
Zinio Reader
Zinio has a free e book reader called Zinio Reader, whcih you can download to your PC by signing up an account for free, and they have some FREE magazines editions like PC Magazine, Reader’s Digest, BusinessWeek , What Digital Camera and more. Try it out here.
Also checkout, Amazon’s Kindle 2 and Fujitsu’s FLEPia – wireless reading devices.