Farecast, travel price prediction service is part of Microsoft’s Bing Travel Search at Bing.com. It helps you to find the cheap airfares and predicts best time to buy tickets Microsoft combined the technology from Farecast with content previously found on Farecast.live.com and MSN travel to create Bing Travel. With the Farecast technology, Bing Travel will locate you the best and cheapest flights. You can search multiple travel sites, compare airline prices, search for travel deals, and receive free fare predictions.
Farecast predictions on how likely airline prices are to rise or fall are incorporated into searches for the lowest fares. Farecast smart travel search also allows you to easily compare, sort, and narrow down flight results for over a hundred websites.
Farecast in Bing Travel – How it Works
1. Search multiple travel sites for better pricing.
2. Check the price predictor, so that you know when to buy.
3. Compare and refine results (narrow results).
4. Buy directly with suppliers and save.
Bing Price Predictor is only available when searching for:
1. Bing Travel cities indicated in bold when entering your search.
2. Round trip, economy flights
3. Popular dates