Are you getting those annoying pre-approved credit card offers and other junk mail in your mail box. If so you can opt out pre-approved credit card, junk mails, and insurance offers and reduce the number of unsolicited credit and insurance offers you get.
If you decide that you don’t want to receive pre screened offers of credit and insurance, you have 2 choices:
1) Optoutprescreen website lets you opt out of pre-approved credit card offers and insurance offers. Which means less junk in your mail box for five years or opt out of receiving them permanently.
2) Call toll-free 1888-5-OPTOUT (18885678688)
You are given the 3 choice of Opt-Out from receiving firm offers for five years, opt-out from receiving firm offers permanently or opt-in and be eligible to receive firm offers. opt-in option is for consumers who have previously completed an opt-out request.
If you choose to Opt-Out, you will no longer be included in firm offer lists provided by Equifax, Experian, Innovis, and TransUnion, (collectively the Consumer Credit Reporting Companies) consumer credit reporting companies.
To Opt-Out, you’ll be asked to provide your personal information set out below. Your Social Security Number and Date of Birth are not required to process your request. However, providing this information will help to ensure that we can successfully process your request.
• Name
• Address
• Social Security Number
• Date of Birth
Visit FTC website for Facts on prescreened offers of credit and insurance.
I want Washington National Insurance to STOP sending me mail. I canceled my insurance in March w/ Conseco Insurance. I mailed a cancellation to Conseco. I found out in August that a company named Washington National Insurance, was taking money out of my bank account. Wash Nat Ins bought Conseco. No body knows that I mailed in a cancellation letter, so insurances companies kept taking money from. No one ever mailed me a letter to cancel any insurance. As far as I knew I had no insurance. I called Wash Nat Ins I want all my money back. Answer was NO. They never got my cancellation letter. LIARS. Ed Ngai 12-22-2011