Transliteration Bookmarklet is a tool that helps you to type in your language on any web-site. The tool uses the Google transliteration service in the background. The transliteration Bookmarklet is supported on Internet Explorer 6 and above, Firefox 3 and above, Chrome 2 and Safari 4.
Transliteration bookmarklets let you type in your language(Arabic, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu) in any text box on any web site. For example, you can use the bookmarklets in Gmail chat (to chat in your language), search for Google news articles, send messages in your language on social networks, write Wikipedia pages in your language, etc.
This lets you type available languages words phonetically in English script and then have them appear in Tamil. Transliteration Bookmarklet is not the same as translation. The bookmarklets use the Google Transliteration API to provide transliteration support wherever you want it.
Go to Transliteration bookmarklets page for instructions and more information on how to use the bookmarklets.