Gmail offers a forwarding service called Mail Fetcher. Gmail Mail Fetcher allows Gmail to automatically check your other email account for new mail and download it to Gmail. This service can download email messages from up to five other email accounts, your other email account should support POP access. How do I set up Mail Fetcher?
Here is how to setup Gmail Mail Fetcher
How to set up
1. Click Settings tab(at the top of Gmail page)
2. Open the Accounts tab
3. Click Add a mail account you own
4. Enter the email address of the account you want to access
5. Click Next
6. Enter Username, Password, POP Server, and Port details of the remote address. And check the necessary check boxes.( POP Server and Port details can be obtained by your remote webmail provider.)
7. Click Add Account.
Google will check your other accounts on a regular basis, and new mail will appear automatically in Gmail.