Apple has introduced iPhone 4S. The new iPhone 4S (S = speed) comes with 8-megapixel camera that also shoots 1080p HD video, Dual-core A5 processor, Siri voice assistant, and more. Price of iPhone 4S 16GB model is $199 through AT&T and Verizon in USA.
Considering an iPhone 4S ? here are new features (checkout iPhone 3GS features here)
- Siri – Intelligent Voice assistant that helps you to make calls, send texts, set reminders, and more
- Dual-core A5 chip – advanced mobile operating system
- Video recording – Camera which shoots 1080p HD video
- 8MP Camera – 8 megapixel resolution camera that also shoots 1080p HD video
- iCloud – manage all your content on Apple iCloud
iPhone 4S Price –
iPhone 4S comes in either black or white, pricing is the same as iPhone 3GS
16 GB | 32 GB | 64 GB | |
iPhone 4S (black or white) | $199 | $299 | $399 |