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Hot iPhone 3G Third-Party Applications

Hot iPhone Third-party Applications, iphone, iPhone 3G, ipod touch, voice recognition, mac desktop, networking application, iphones, major league baseball, google maps

The new iPhone 3G operating system will allow users to run third-party applications. The iPhone 2.0 software will run on the new iPhone 3G. Most applications will also run on the iPod Touch, and on existing iPhones once the new iPhone 2.0 software has been downloaded.


Here is the list of 9 hot iPhone applications picked by Information Week magazine.

  1. Quickoffice – Ability to edit Microsoft Word, Excel etc and to sync between the smartphone and desktop or laptop computers.
  2. NotepadSync – Lets you write text memos on your iPhone and have them sync to an application on your Mac desktop, and vice-versa.
  3. Nuance Open Voice Search – allows users to use voice recognition to dial phone numbers, search for locations on Google Maps etc.
  4. OmniFocus – To get yourself organized.
  5. Things – Tool for organizing your task list.
  6. Loopt – Mobile service that allows users to track friends on a map and communicate with them.
  7. Qik And TomTom – Social networking application for sharing videos.
  8. Enterprise Apps & Games – to get your work done and games for fun.
  9. MLB At Bat – Application from Major League Baseball .

[ IW – Hot iPhone 3G Apps To Watch ]

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