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Free iTunes 8.1 Download for Apple iPod, iPhones

Apple released a new version of iTunes – iTunes 8.1 — a digital media player application, used for playing and organizing digital music and video files. iTunes is also used in Apple’s popular iPod digital media players and iPhone.

Enjoy Music, movies, TV shows, applications, podcasts, audiobooks with iTunes. Browsing the iTunes Store, syncing your devices, working with large libraries it all happens even faster than before with iTunes 8.1, and now millions of high-quality, DRM-free songs cost just 99¢.

iTunes is a free application for Mac and PC and can be downloaded at Apple site.

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • cesar April 8, 2009, 3:45 pm

    Hi! i really like use intunes it a lot of fun and enyoyable thanks

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