Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form, such as electricity, using wind turbines.
Although wind currently produces about 1% of world-wide electricity use,it accounts for approximately 19% of electricity production in Denmark, 9% in Spain and Portugal, and 6% in Germany and the Republic of Ireland (2007 data).
- Wind is free, wind farms need no fuel.
- Produces no waste or greenhouse gases.
- The land beneath can usually still be used for farming.
- A good method of supplying energy to remote areas
- The wind is not always predictable – some days have no wind.
- Suitable areas for wind farms are often near the coast, where land is expensive.
- Wind turbines are noisy. Each one can generate the same level of noise as a family car travelling at 70 mph.
- Many people see large wind turbines as unsightly structures and not pleasant or interesting to look at.
- They disfigure the countryside and are generally ugly.
When wind turbines are being manufactured some pollution is produced. Therefore wind power does produce some pollution.
Some errors here:
– Wind turbines are NOT noisy. For anyone who doubts this, please, visit a wind farm yourself and have a listen. You can stand directly under an operating turbine and carry on a conversation in a normal tone of voice.
– Public opinion polls consistently show that a large majority of people do not find wind turbines unattractive.
Thomas O. Gray
American Wind Energy Association
Thanks Tom Gray.. as per comments we strike out..
Would the people who find these windmills unattractive also find (say) Dutch windwills, Australian water-pumps and … um … the Washington Monument unattractive?
These things are so subjective, but also potentially a matter of life and death, that I think the point is moot.
Would the people who find these windmills unattractive also find (say) Dutch windmills, Australian water-pumps and … um … the Washington Monument unattractive?
These things are so subjective, but also potentially a matter of life and death, that I think the point is moot.