Dell has became the first in its industry to achieve 80 PLUS Gold-certification for a server power supply, the latest sign that the company is meeting its goal of becoming the “greenest” technology company on the planet and strengthening its position as an energy-efficiency leader.
The 80 PLUS Gold-certification enables manufacturers and customers to compare and contrast power supplies based on established criteria from Energy Star and the Climate Savers Computing Initiative. Dell’s new 80 PLUS Gold power supply meets July 2009 Climate Savers targets for servers more than a year ahead of schedule, which require 92 % minimum efficiency for the power supply unit at 50 percent of rated output.
Servers, personal computers and monitors account for more that 60 % of global ICT-related carbon emissions.
In May, Dell said it plans to reduce the energy consumption of its products and avoid millions of tons of CO2 emissions worldwide by designing its laptops and desktops to consume up to 25 percent less energy by 2010.
[ Dell First to Achieve 80 Plus Gold Energy Efficiency ]