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Wipro launches Supernova supercomputer

Wipro launched a range of supercomputers under the brand Supernova, partnering with the US-based Z RESEARCH Inc.

Supernova includes a complete range of supercomputers with an entry level configuration delivering 1 trillion mathematical calculations per second going up to hundred thousand trillions of calculations per second and superstorage scaling to multiple hundred petabytes.

 Supernova’s features

Entry-level configuration is one trillion mathematical calculations per second

Fastest of them can deliver up to hundred thousand trillions of calculations per second

Cost of an entry level package will be Rs 25 lakh

Z RESEARCH is a  California-based Supercomputing company that uses software technology based on Free Software and “Open Standards” to enable System Integrators with little or no experience to build Compute Clusters, Massive Storage Systems and Supercomputers from Commodity off the Shelf Components (COTS) using Clustered architecture.
Thunder, to be renamed under the Supernova brand, is Z RESEARCH’s open source supercomputer comprising a cluster of 4096 Intel Itanium2 processors with an output of 20 teraflops (a teraflop is a trillion calculations per sec). “Thunder” was ranked as the World’s second fastest Supercomputer and the World’s Fastest GNU/Linux Cluster.

 I am glad that , Co-Founder of Z RESEARCH Anand Babu is my Computer Engineering mate.

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