Blog is a buzzword nowadays. You can get a blog started in less time than it takes you to read this article. Some people think blogging is a difficult task. No, it is not. It is one of the easiest thing.
Some use blog to share their ideas, some use a commercial. What ever case it may be, creating a blog is easy
Free blogs
There are many free blogging service. Here are the list of 2 best free blogging website
Blogger and Blogspot are same and it is a free blog publishing tool from Google. If you want to make money online, Blogger is the best free blogging platform. Blogspot allows you to place advertisment like Adsense, Yahoo, Chitika, TextLinkAds and other ads
Straightforward Free blogging tool managed by the developers of the WordPress software, companion to
Adsense, Yahoo, Chitika, TextLinkAds and other ads are not permitted to be added by users. But, wordpress is considering such a feature for a future upgrade. If you want to have ads then you have to download free standalone WordPress blogging software and host it on your own.
You can create free account here and start blogging

There are many options to create blogs but very few to promote and make your blogs popular on search engines.Google takes ages to pick up a blog post